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หน้าหลัก » Aphinant Chantanee
เข้าชม : ๑๙๙๓๓ ครั้ง
Curriculum Quality Management with Quality Cycle and Four Iddhipadas in the Higher Education Institution (Doctor of Philosophy Buddhist Studies)
ชื่อผู้วิจัย : Aphinant Chantanee ข้อมูลวันที่ : ๒๓/๐๕/๒๐๑๙
ปริญญา : พุทธศาสตรดุษฎีบัญฑิต(พระพุทธศาสนา)
คณะกรรมการควบคุมวิทยานิพนธ์ :
  Phramaha Somphong Khunakaro
  Chamnong Adivadhanasit
วันสำเร็จการศึกษา : March 17, 2019

          This research aims, to study the importance of quality assurance within the curriculum in higher education institutions, both public and private, to study the qualification cycle of PDCA and the Four Iddhipadas related to quality assurance, and the method to develop higher quality courses in higher education institutions. Interviews with 36 experts and 400 questionnaires were conducted, the results were as follows.

           The curriculum management shall be carried out in accordance with the standard curriculum of the Ministry of Education Announcement B.E.2548 and B.E. 2558 and the National Curriculum Framework for Higher Education B.E.2552, as detailed in the Educational Quality Assurance Manual. Higher Education C.E.2014 is a practice. The quality cycle (PDCA), P = the start of the academic year, D = record the performance of the academic year 12, C = check the quality of the program according to the plan and A = Based on the results. For the exercise of the Four Iddhipadas, instructors  responsible for the course (Chanda) is passionate and eager to do what is good for students. Viriya is patient and persevere. And a mentor (Citta) who is dedicated to quality management. And evaluation (Vimamsa) to improve and further development in the next academic year. Opinions on the quality cycle (PDCA) Including the high level was high (3.62), Planning highest average, Checking was high, Acting was average and Doing was the lowest. The opinions on the Four Iddhipadas, were the high level avergae Viriya, had the highest level, Citta was the high level, Vimamsa is the high lelvel and the Chanda high level average.

             For the relationship between the opinion on the Quality Cycle (PDCA) and the Four Iddhipadas. The planning and Four Iddhipadas have positive correlation coefficient were correlatively high level, was found in 4 aspects.  The doing and Four Iddhipadas have positive correlation coefficient were high level. The checking and Four Iddhipadas have positive correlation were correlatively high levels. The acting and Four Iddhipadas have Positive correlation coefficient were correlatively high level. By conclusion, the relationship between the opinions of the sample and the performance of the quality cycle (PDCA) and the Four Iddhipadas are positive correlation were correlatively high level to high levels.



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